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Showing posts from October, 2016

Halloween 2016!

For those of you who know me personally, already know that Halloween is my favorite holiday! So, you can probably guess that I'm extremely excited about today! Anyway, I hope you all have a great one and please stay safe out there! I'll post pics of our Halloween party either later tonight or tomorrow so stay tuned for that! :)


October has been a hectic month! Some things I expected to happen and others, I did not. On October 1st, I was informed that my grandmother had passed away. Of course, I was devastated. It was also upsetting to know that I wouldn't make it to the funeral considering that my sister was 9 months pregnant at the time and the funeral was two states away. Then, a week later, we had to deal with *shudders* puke. Yuck! Yep, my little sister decided to get sick, but (Thank God!) she only did it one time. My mom actually thinks she just ate something bad so it wasn't contagious. Finally, a rainbow after nothing but storms! On the morning of October 11th, (Her due date.) my sister went into labor! Luckily, her labor was super fast and we got to meet him way sooner than we thought we would! I have to say...he is the cutest thing on the face of the earth! I can literally hold him all day long and never get tired of it! It makes me (kind of) want my own. I would love to post pictures