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Showing posts from June, 2016

Summer School Blues

Yes, I have been absent lately and you probably know why just by reading the title. Yes, I am having to do Summer School. I failed the first semester of algebra so I am having to retake it which isn't that bad. All I have to do is attend all of the online classes and do the work. The only problem is...MATH! Math is my worst and least favorite subject (which explains why I failed it!) but the only choice I have is to suffer through it and pass it this time. I only have two more weeks left of it so I guess it could be worse, right? Anyway, I can't make this post any longer because my class starts at 9:00. On the bright side, there is a Friday the 13th marathon on Syfy right now! Of course, I will have to wait until my class is over and my work is done before I can actually enjoy it. ;) Lots of Love, Meagan :)

Happy Saturday!

 I finally have my sleeping schedule back on track so I feel fantastic! The past two weeks I've been  going to bed at about 1 in the morning and sometimes even later than that so, of course, I would be tired and agitated the next day. However the past two nights, I have gone to bed at 11 and I wake up around 7 or 8 in the morning which I perfect! Personally, I am a morning person so I always feel so much better when I wake up early rather than sleeping in late. I've had my morning coffee and breakfast so now I am officially ready to start my day! :) Plus, I got my new glasses yesterday and I love the way they look on me! Here is a pic... Lots of Love, Meagan :)

MORE LOVE, less hate!

 As you may know, 50 people lost their lives last night and 50 others are in the hospital fighting for their lives. I wanted to make this entire post about them because that is the least I can do for all of the victims and their family. I am so sorry that they are going through this and I will be praying for every single one of them! They all deserve a moment of silence. Pray for Orlando. Pray for this country. Pray for the World.

Thinking about the future...

 Since I am now officially a senior in high school, I have been thinking about what I should do with my life. I have a lot of ideas of what I could do, but none have screamed at me and said "Yes, this is what you should be doing with your life!"  So, I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. As I've said before, I love to write so it would be amazing if I could make a career out of that. However, I know it would be difficult to make a living out of that. Lately, I've also been into video games. Not only do I love playing them, but I also love to see how they're made and I absolutely love when the graphics are so well done that they look real. So, maybe, I could be a video game writer. (Yes, that occupation does exist. lol) Maybe, I could even try to become a video game voice actress...I know that's way out there, but it's always a possibility. I figured I can go to college and get a Bachelor's of Fine Arts degree in creative writing, or, dare

Sometimes you just need a little cry...

 I've, unfortunately, been on edge the last few days. It seems like nothing is going right and life is getting more and more frustrating everyday. I know it's not going to get any easier, but I have to keep it together for my family, my friends, and, most importantantly, me. I have to remind myself that mistakes are going to happen in life. Ginormous mistakes and teeny tiny mistakes. They are going to happen. I just have to learn how to react to them in a decent way.  I made a teeny tiny mistake earlier toady and I reacted in a way I shouldn't have. It wasn't extremely bad, but I'm still not proud of it. I yelled at my family even though I knew it was completely my fault. After the mess was all cleaned up, I cried my eyes out. I have to admit that after I had myself a good cry, I felt a lot better. Even though this day didn't go as planned, I'm still appreciative that I had this experience so I could learn from it. Mistakes are going to happen. Life i