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Showing posts from November, 2016


Yep, it's that time of year again. That time of year where just about everyone you know has some sort of illness. Whether it be a little cold, the flu, or my personal least favorite: the tummy bug. It seems like everyone is coming down with something. Including my own family...Yes, we've had a bug come to our house. Luckily, it's not the dreaded tummy bug, but I've still had to deal with my mortal enemy: Vomit. Mostly, it's been fever, sore throat, runny nose, and coughing so much that it triggers the gag reflex thus creating vomit. I have to say that I've done absolutely amazing when dealing with it. I guess knowing that I can't catch it really helps. Anyway, my little sister is getting over it, but now my mom has it. Just the fever and sore throat though. Oh, and lots of muscle aches. I have no proof, but I have a feeling it's the flu. My little sister didn't get tested for it when she went to the doctor, however, she did get tested for strep throa

I'm sorry...that I'm not sorry.

   I'm guess I'm going to be blunt about this. I try my very best not to be annoying. I really do! Of course, my anxiety tells me that no matter what I do, I'll always be annoying and you know what that just might be true! I mean, I know that I can be annoying sometimes ( if not all the time) but I going to be this point, I really don't care. I know I post a lot about being single and about my future husband on Facebook, but that's because I'm really self-conscious about not having a boyfriend right now. However, when I post something funny about not having a boyfriend or something about my future husband...I'm not trying to be annoying...Really, I'm not! I'm just trying to stay positive about the whole thing. Seeing all of my friends that are the same age as me and all of their selfies with their boyfriend/girlfriend just makes me feel left out. Don't get me wrong, though, I'm really happy for them! I just wish I had som

Happy November!

Yep, it's November 1st! This day used to be my least favorite day of the year because it officially meant that Halloween was over. Now, I've come up with a new November 1st tradition that I started last year...I watch Christmas movies all day! I helps ease my sadness over Halloween ending and puts me in the Christmas spirit so it's a win-win!  However, I did promise some Halloween pics yesterday so here they are!                                                                         I was Cleopatra! :)                                             I know this is a pretty bad picture, but it was the                                              only one that didn't show any faces. My little sister was a cupcake fairy, my oldest nephew was the red power ranger, my brother-in-law was Spiderman, and my older sister is in the pumpkin pants and holding my younger nephew. Oh, and my mom is the one taking the picture. I was at home, giving out candy. For supper,