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Showing posts from August, 2016

Preparing for the future!

School has started back and so far I've got nothing but A's and B's! I, also, have very strong feeling that I've found what I want to do as a career. My plan is to attend college and get a degree in business administration. I'm hoping from there that I can start my own business of some kind...maybe a bakery or something like that. This is the one idea that I've been the most comfortable with! So, please, wish me luck as I continue on my journey with school and life! I hate to end this post so early, but unfortunately I'm not feeling too well today. :( However, I'm really hoping that I can start posting more often and for you guys to get to know me better! So, if you have any appropriate questions for me like what my favorite color or food is, just comment your question and I will be happy to answer them!

Writing can be hard sometimes...

For the past 3 years, I've been thinking about the same characters, setting, and plot for a story. I have started it over and over again, but I never felt like it was good enough so I gave up on it. Well, a couple days ago I decided to give it another try and I finally feel comfortable with it. I plan on finishing this story and (hopefully) getting it published. That is my goal for this year! Even though there's no guarantee that I'll get it published, it will be a great start just to get it finished. Okay, guys, wish me luck!


I haven't posted in a while because, you know, life lol. It's been a hectic couple of weeks. My anxiety has been somewhat under control while my depression has been really difficult to deal with lately. It's weird because usually it's the other way around. However, today has been the best day so far. Maybe I just needed to get some rest? I guess it doesn't at matter as long as I'm able to function throughout the day!  So, I've been doing things that I never thought I would be doing. First of all, I've been tweeting like crazy! I've tweeted to all of my favorite celebrities without going into a complete panic attack! I always told myself that I would never use Twitter because of my anxiety so I was going to delete it, but now I am so glad that I didn't. It's definitely helped me conquer my fear! Not only that, but I also went to a pool party with the church youth on Wednesday night and I had a ton of fun. Well, I never got in the pool most