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Showing posts from 2016

Happy New Year!

Yes, I know that it's not the new year yet, but I didn't know if I would be posting on New years day so I'm going to go ahead and tell you. :) I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas! I know I did! I got a lot of goodies from Santa. ;) I'm, also, very happy to say that I'm working on my first children's book! In the past, I've mostly wrote for tweens and teens. I never ended up finishing them though. A children's book would be shorter and easier to write so this time I'm hoping to actually get it published! I'll keep y'all updated on that! :) Oh, and I'm very very happy to say that I've been eating a lot healthier the past couple of days. Well, I sort of didn't today, but I could tell a major difference when I ate healthy food vs when I ate junk food. I had way more energy and I was less bloated, but today I just feel crappy. So, I'll definitely be eating a lot more healthy food from now on! It seems like the next c

One Step Closer To Graduation!

So...I passed all of my exams and I'm now out for winter break! I have one more semester and then I'll be a high school graduate! I can already tell that 2017 is going to be an awesome year for me (*knocks on wood*). Although, I'm a little nervous about going to college and not only will I be attending college, but I'll also be looking for my first job! It's definitely going to be a year of firsts for me! I've looked at some college websites and looked for job openings and I saw a few that spiked my interest, but none of them seemed right for me so I'm going to continue to look and pray that God leads me down the right path. Anyway, enough with the college talk! It's Christmas Eve, y'all! Wow, this month has flown by! Come to think of it...this year has flown by! I can't believe it's already Christmas time! Now, let's get into the Christmas spirit, shall we? I've got my Christmas outfit on, my Santa hat on, and I've had my morni

Great News!

     So many great things have happened including finally figuring out what I want to go to school for! I've decided that I would like to go and get my bachelor's degree in early childhood education and I'm going to become an elementary school teacher! I'm really exited about this and I feel like I've finally got things figured out! I'm hoping to teach 3rd, 4th, or 5th grade language arts since that is my favorite subject and I don't want to teach really little kids, but I guess I'll take whatever job I can get. I, also, wouldn't have to teach all of the subjects since upper elementary schools tend to switch between teachers and they each have different subjects to teach like one teaches science and math while the other teaches language arts and social studies. I'm so excited to start this journey!              That's not all, though! I have more great news! My blog has reached the milestone of over 1,000 views! I know that doesn

Happy December!

I'm sorry I haven't posted in almost a month! I really couldn't stand when bloggers wouldn't for months, but now that I am one, I've finally realized how much of a hypocrite I've been! It really is difficult to keep up with the whole blogging thing especially when nothing too exciting is happening. Anyway, let's get back to the basics! So many things to catch up on since the last time I posted so let's get started! We've had birthday parties, Thanksgiving, and now we're getting ready for Christmas (my 2nd favorite holiday!). I absolutely LOVE this time of year! The music, the decorations, and especially the movies!  It's safe to say that I'm ready for Christmas, lol! We had my sister's and nephew's birthday party on 11/20. They were born exactly 2 years and 2 days apart so it only makes sense to let them have a party together, right? It was a lot of fun and we had A LOT of cake which doesn't sound so bad, but trust me, i


Yep, it's that time of year again. That time of year where just about everyone you know has some sort of illness. Whether it be a little cold, the flu, or my personal least favorite: the tummy bug. It seems like everyone is coming down with something. Including my own family...Yes, we've had a bug come to our house. Luckily, it's not the dreaded tummy bug, but I've still had to deal with my mortal enemy: Vomit. Mostly, it's been fever, sore throat, runny nose, and coughing so much that it triggers the gag reflex thus creating vomit. I have to say that I've done absolutely amazing when dealing with it. I guess knowing that I can't catch it really helps. Anyway, my little sister is getting over it, but now my mom has it. Just the fever and sore throat though. Oh, and lots of muscle aches. I have no proof, but I have a feeling it's the flu. My little sister didn't get tested for it when she went to the doctor, however, she did get tested for strep throa

I'm sorry...that I'm not sorry.

   I'm guess I'm going to be blunt about this. I try my very best not to be annoying. I really do! Of course, my anxiety tells me that no matter what I do, I'll always be annoying and you know what that just might be true! I mean, I know that I can be annoying sometimes ( if not all the time) but I going to be this point, I really don't care. I know I post a lot about being single and about my future husband on Facebook, but that's because I'm really self-conscious about not having a boyfriend right now. However, when I post something funny about not having a boyfriend or something about my future husband...I'm not trying to be annoying...Really, I'm not! I'm just trying to stay positive about the whole thing. Seeing all of my friends that are the same age as me and all of their selfies with their boyfriend/girlfriend just makes me feel left out. Don't get me wrong, though, I'm really happy for them! I just wish I had som

Happy November!

Yep, it's November 1st! This day used to be my least favorite day of the year because it officially meant that Halloween was over. Now, I've come up with a new November 1st tradition that I started last year...I watch Christmas movies all day! I helps ease my sadness over Halloween ending and puts me in the Christmas spirit so it's a win-win!  However, I did promise some Halloween pics yesterday so here they are!                                                                         I was Cleopatra! :)                                             I know this is a pretty bad picture, but it was the                                              only one that didn't show any faces. My little sister was a cupcake fairy, my oldest nephew was the red power ranger, my brother-in-law was Spiderman, and my older sister is in the pumpkin pants and holding my younger nephew. Oh, and my mom is the one taking the picture. I was at home, giving out candy. For supper,

Halloween 2016!

For those of you who know me personally, already know that Halloween is my favorite holiday! So, you can probably guess that I'm extremely excited about today! Anyway, I hope you all have a great one and please stay safe out there! I'll post pics of our Halloween party either later tonight or tomorrow so stay tuned for that! :)


October has been a hectic month! Some things I expected to happen and others, I did not. On October 1st, I was informed that my grandmother had passed away. Of course, I was devastated. It was also upsetting to know that I wouldn't make it to the funeral considering that my sister was 9 months pregnant at the time and the funeral was two states away. Then, a week later, we had to deal with *shudders* puke. Yuck! Yep, my little sister decided to get sick, but (Thank God!) she only did it one time. My mom actually thinks she just ate something bad so it wasn't contagious. Finally, a rainbow after nothing but storms! On the morning of October 11th, (Her due date.) my sister went into labor! Luckily, her labor was super fast and we got to meet him way sooner than we thought we would! I have to say...he is the cutest thing on the face of the earth! I can literally hold him all day long and never get tired of it! It makes me (kind of) want my own. I would love to post pictures

My stress level this week: Over 9,000

It's been quite a crazy week! It all started Sunday when my little sister woke up struggling to breathe at about 3 in the morning. We already knew she had a cold, but we weren't expecting it to get that bad. At one point, her lips started turning blue so we immediately knew that she needed to go to the hospital. I had to be the one to sit in the backseat on the way there while my mom drove. Of course, I really didn't want to be the one to go to the hospital considering hospitals= sick people = a lot of vomit = an emetophobe's worst nightmare. However, I was way more worried about my little sister. It was so horrible to see her like that. I remember praying and holding her hand the entire ride there. It was definitely one of the scariest moments of my life.  Thankfully, there was no one in the waiting room so we got to go in the back immediately after arriving. She had a breathing treatment done so she seemed to be doing much better and we were actually getting r

Why I kept living even though I didn't want to...

Okay...I'm just going to go ahead and warn you that this is going to be a very emotional post so beware! I'm posting this in honor of Suicide Prevention Week and I'm hoping to spread awareness on this issue. I have a feeling that people might not look at me the same after they read all of this, but this is a part of my life story and I want to give others hope. I saw something on Facebook and I decided to share it then suddenly it hit me like a ton of bricks. I remembered all of those times I thought about or even attempted suicide and I started to think about all of the reasons why I wanted to keep living. The number 1 reason why I kept living was just thinking about the aftermath. I didn't want my mom or older sister to come into my room and find my lifeless body. I didn't want my little sister or nephew to ask where their "May-May" was. I didn't want my friends and family to wonder what else they could have possibly done to prevent this from hap

God is AMAZING!!!!!

I've been going to church more often and I feel like I've a dramatic change in my life. My attitude is better and my anxiety and depression seem to have gotten a lot better also! I've been praying more and I've had a more positive outlook on life lately. I should, also, point out that I went to church completely by myself this past Wednesday! My cousins usually come with me, but they couldn't make it unfortunately. Of course, I could have changed my mind, but I was determined to show my anxiety who's boss! I'll admit that I was terrified at first, but then class started and I felt like a part of the group! :) Oh, and I would also like to mention that I ate! You see, having both anxiety and emetophobia is a really horrible combination because when I get nervous, I start to feel sick. Plus, I don't like eating in front of other people...It just makes me uncomfortable. So, you have no idea how awesome I felt afterwards. I knew if I could do it one time on

Preparing for the future!

School has started back and so far I've got nothing but A's and B's! I, also, have very strong feeling that I've found what I want to do as a career. My plan is to attend college and get a degree in business administration. I'm hoping from there that I can start my own business of some kind...maybe a bakery or something like that. This is the one idea that I've been the most comfortable with! So, please, wish me luck as I continue on my journey with school and life! I hate to end this post so early, but unfortunately I'm not feeling too well today. :( However, I'm really hoping that I can start posting more often and for you guys to get to know me better! So, if you have any appropriate questions for me like what my favorite color or food is, just comment your question and I will be happy to answer them!

Writing can be hard sometimes...

For the past 3 years, I've been thinking about the same characters, setting, and plot for a story. I have started it over and over again, but I never felt like it was good enough so I gave up on it. Well, a couple days ago I decided to give it another try and I finally feel comfortable with it. I plan on finishing this story and (hopefully) getting it published. That is my goal for this year! Even though there's no guarantee that I'll get it published, it will be a great start just to get it finished. Okay, guys, wish me luck!


I haven't posted in a while because, you know, life lol. It's been a hectic couple of weeks. My anxiety has been somewhat under control while my depression has been really difficult to deal with lately. It's weird because usually it's the other way around. However, today has been the best day so far. Maybe I just needed to get some rest? I guess it doesn't at matter as long as I'm able to function throughout the day!  So, I've been doing things that I never thought I would be doing. First of all, I've been tweeting like crazy! I've tweeted to all of my favorite celebrities without going into a complete panic attack! I always told myself that I would never use Twitter because of my anxiety so I was going to delete it, but now I am so glad that I didn't. It's definitely helped me conquer my fear! Not only that, but I also went to a pool party with the church youth on Wednesday night and I had a ton of fun. Well, I never got in the pool most

Vacation Destination: Florida part 2!

Florida was absolutely fantastic! The condo was nice and and it was so much fun to go swimming everyday! I got a fantastic tan and, unfortunately, a horrible sunburn, but that didn't ruin the fun! One day we went to the beach and I found 73 seashells. I think I've started a new collection!  I would love to collect as many seashells as I can from each beach I go to and keep them all in a little labeled bottle. That is definitely on my bucket list now! So, yes, I did have a lot of fun and I would love to back sometime soon! I hope you enjoyed reading about my vacation and I, also, hope that if anxiety is holding you back from doing something, please don't let it! Sure things might not go as planned, but that's how life is and anxiety won't change the outcome either way.  Lots of Love, Meagan :)

Vaction Destination: Florida Part 1!

I have to say I am so glad that I did not let my anxiety control me and I was able to make it out the door yesterday morning without having a panic attack! I am having a great time so far   and we are only on day 2! I have my own room and bathroom.(Well, I have my own room at home but I do not have my own bathroom.) The balcony is great because we can see the ocean from it and its absolutely beautiful! I mean, just look at this scenery.      Beautiful, isn't it? :) My posts will, unfortunately, be shorter because I am posting from my tablet and it is extremely difficult to do! So, I will have to end it here. :( Don't worry though because once I get home and back to my computer, I will post more pics and give more details! Thanks for being patient!  Lots of Love, Meagan :)

Anxiety :(

Yes, I know. Anxiety is a part of life and I should be used to it by now, but sometimes it's just so hard to deal with! The thing that is causing me so much anxiety...Vacation. Yes, the thing that is meant to calm you down is just causing me to have panic attacks! I know it's silly, but I really can't help it. It's just the way I feel. I really want to go, but every time I think about it, I have a panic attack and I really want to back out. Emetophobia is the main reason I really don't want to go. What if I get sick? What if someone else gets sick? That is literally all my mind thinks about every time we go on vacation. It's really a never ending cycle with this phobia. You're scared of your own body and there's no way to get away from it. I hope I can get through it and I hope I don't back out at the last minute, but I have to admit that I am terrified about this! :( Well, for right now, I am going to try to stay positive and if I decide to go, th

Happy 4th of July!

Fourth of July has been a success so far! We had a delicious buffet of food (hot dogs, pasta salad, baked beans, and cupcakes for dessert!) and now we're about to get ready so we can go and shoot some fireworks. I'll try to put some pictures up later! I hope everyone has a fun and safe fourth of July!  Lots of Love,  Meagan :) 

Summer School Blues

Yes, I have been absent lately and you probably know why just by reading the title. Yes, I am having to do Summer School. I failed the first semester of algebra so I am having to retake it which isn't that bad. All I have to do is attend all of the online classes and do the work. The only problem is...MATH! Math is my worst and least favorite subject (which explains why I failed it!) but the only choice I have is to suffer through it and pass it this time. I only have two more weeks left of it so I guess it could be worse, right? Anyway, I can't make this post any longer because my class starts at 9:00. On the bright side, there is a Friday the 13th marathon on Syfy right now! Of course, I will have to wait until my class is over and my work is done before I can actually enjoy it. ;) Lots of Love, Meagan :)

Happy Saturday!

 I finally have my sleeping schedule back on track so I feel fantastic! The past two weeks I've been  going to bed at about 1 in the morning and sometimes even later than that so, of course, I would be tired and agitated the next day. However the past two nights, I have gone to bed at 11 and I wake up around 7 or 8 in the morning which I perfect! Personally, I am a morning person so I always feel so much better when I wake up early rather than sleeping in late. I've had my morning coffee and breakfast so now I am officially ready to start my day! :) Plus, I got my new glasses yesterday and I love the way they look on me! Here is a pic... Lots of Love, Meagan :)

MORE LOVE, less hate!

 As you may know, 50 people lost their lives last night and 50 others are in the hospital fighting for their lives. I wanted to make this entire post about them because that is the least I can do for all of the victims and their family. I am so sorry that they are going through this and I will be praying for every single one of them! They all deserve a moment of silence. Pray for Orlando. Pray for this country. Pray for the World.

Thinking about the future...

 Since I am now officially a senior in high school, I have been thinking about what I should do with my life. I have a lot of ideas of what I could do, but none have screamed at me and said "Yes, this is what you should be doing with your life!"  So, I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. As I've said before, I love to write so it would be amazing if I could make a career out of that. However, I know it would be difficult to make a living out of that. Lately, I've also been into video games. Not only do I love playing them, but I also love to see how they're made and I absolutely love when the graphics are so well done that they look real. So, maybe, I could be a video game writer. (Yes, that occupation does exist. lol) Maybe, I could even try to become a video game voice actress...I know that's way out there, but it's always a possibility. I figured I can go to college and get a Bachelor's of Fine Arts degree in creative writing, or, dare

Sometimes you just need a little cry...

 I've, unfortunately, been on edge the last few days. It seems like nothing is going right and life is getting more and more frustrating everyday. I know it's not going to get any easier, but I have to keep it together for my family, my friends, and, most importantantly, me. I have to remind myself that mistakes are going to happen in life. Ginormous mistakes and teeny tiny mistakes. They are going to happen. I just have to learn how to react to them in a decent way.  I made a teeny tiny mistake earlier toady and I reacted in a way I shouldn't have. It wasn't extremely bad, but I'm still not proud of it. I yelled at my family even though I knew it was completely my fault. After the mess was all cleaned up, I cried my eyes out. I have to admit that after I had myself a good cry, I felt a lot better. Even though this day didn't go as planned, I'm still appreciative that I had this experience so I could learn from it. Mistakes are going to happen. Life i

Memorial Day

Since it's Memorial Day, I would like to make this post about all the brave soldiers that lost their life defending this great country that I call home. Let's give them and their families a moment of silence.

It's a...

The moment of truth is finally here! Boy or Girl? First, let me post a pic of the beautiful cake that our sweet neighbor made. (Thanks Norma, It looked and tasted amazing!)                                   Isn't it just gorgeous? I, of course, did some teasing before I actually announced it on Facebook and Instagram. I mean, what kind of surprise doesn't have some good ole teasing? ;)                                                                 BOY O R GIRL?   PINK O R BLUE? Okay, by now you are probably pulling your hair out and about to throw whatever device you are reading this I guess I should tell you... Are you sure you want to know?  Okay, then here it is... It's  A...                       BOY!!!!!! Yes, I am going to have another nephew! We are all so excited and ready for October to come around so we can meet him! Congrats Kk and Jon, I am so happy for y'all!

Dating is hard...

 It's true. Dating is hard, but it's even harder if you have no idea what you are doing. Like me, for instance. I, honestly, have no idea what I am doing. I have had boyfriends before, but I've never been on a date or done the "huggy/kissy" stuff that boyfriends and girlfriends usually do. In fact, that stuff kind of makes me uncomfortable. I mean I would love to have a boyfriend, but I guess I want one that's kind of like me in a way. One that's shy, awkward, and would like to take things slow...really slow. I would want us to be friends first and then if it turns into something more then I'll take it.  I have tried dating sites, but most boys on there creep me out. They ask me really inappropriate questions and are really pushy to meet me in person so I would really prefer to meet someone in real life. I think I've decided to just stick with homeschooling so meeting someone at school is out of the question. Even if I don't find anyone to d

How I flooded the kitchen...

  So I woke thinking I'm going to have a nice and productive day. I get out of bed, get dressed, and go downstairs for some coffee (which, by the way, was delish!) While I'm waiting for the Keurig to heat up the coffee and pour it into my coffee cup, I decided to load and start the dishwasher. I knew the sink was stopped up, but what I didn't know was that you are not supposed to use the dishwasher when the sink is stopped up. Whoopsie Doodles...   I start the dishwasher, fix my coffee, and sit down in the living room still thinking that it's going to be a completely normal day. Boy was I wrong! All of a sudden, I heard water hitting the floor so I ran to the kitchen to see what it was and there is like an inch of water covering the floor. I rushed upstairs to grab some towels and call my mom to ask what was wrong with it. Isn't it funny how, even when you're fully grown, if you are in trouble you instantly call your mom? Anyway, she asked if I had started th

A letter to my future husband.

 I don't know who you will be. I don't know what your interests will be. I don't know what age we will be when we meet. I don't know where or how we will meet. The one thing I do know and I am certain will never change is the love I have for you. I have prayed so many times asking God to bless me with a wonderful man that will love me and our children, and never do anything to hurt us. I know my prayers will be answered soon. It could be tomorrow or five years from now, but I know my prayers will be answered. Love is a waiting game and it's always worth the wait!   One thing that has kept positive through this waiting game is a dream I had three years ago. Jesus held my hand and told me that I was going to marry a wonderful man. That's how I know you will be the answer to my prayers. I am so excited to meet you and get to know you. I can't wait to be your wife and as your future wife I promise to do the following things: I promise to be there for


It turns out I have to wait until Sunday before I can say what  it is, but I can post a pic of the cupcakes! They turned out so pretty! Comment your guess and come back on Sunday to see if you're right!  Lots of Love,  Meagan :)                                                                              

What will it be?

My sister is expecting her second child in October and tonight we find out if it is a boy or a girl! I am extremely excited! She thinks it's a boy while I think it's a girl. She already has a three year old son so, of course, we are all hoping for a girl, but we will be just as happy, if it's a boy! Either way, it will be loved and that's all that matters! We will be having a small gender reveal party at 5:00, so it's getting close. If you are not familiar with gender reveal parties, let me explain.      It's pretty much like any other party. You have your guests, decorations, food, balloons, and lots of picture taking! The main theme is pink and blue so you can have a cake that is pink or blue inside or a balloon release. Everyone can find out all at once or the parents could be the only ones to know and just let the guests be surprised. In this case, we will all be surprised and it will be cupcakes with blue or pink icing inside! I will post a pic of the cup


Hi, everyone! I know I haven't posted in a while, but that should all change after school gets out! I've been trying to catch up on my school work and finish up my exams since the last day of school is tomorrow!!! I have an interesting topic I would really like to share with everyone so stay tuned! Lots of Love, Meagan :)

The quest for a healthier me!

Unfortunately, I love junk food, soft drinks, sweets, pretty much anything that will cause you to gain weight just by looking at it, but I've decided that enough is enough. I can not treat my body like this for the rest of my life. I am going to do one of the hardest things imaginable...go on a diet. That means no chips, cookies, cake, chocolate, coke...Starting to look like just about anything that starts with a "C", Ha! Though, I have to say that I am quite proud of myself today! I have not had any sort of coke product, just water! However, since I am so addicted to caffeine, I get a migraine every time I decide to cut out decaffeinated drinks which REALLY sucks, but that's the only bad thing about it. Food is my main issue, but I think if I stick with water, cut out junk food, and start eating more fruits and veggies then I can manage! I just need to stay positive and keep track of everything I eat, but that doesn't mean there won't be cheat days. ;)  I