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Happy November!

Yep, it's November 1st! This day used to be my least favorite day of the year because it officially meant that Halloween was over. Now, I've come up with a new November 1st tradition that I started last year...I watch Christmas movies all day! I helps ease my sadness over Halloween ending and puts me in the Christmas spirit so it's a win-win!

 However, I did promise some Halloween pics yesterday so here they are!

                                                                        I was Cleopatra! :)

                                            I know this is a pretty bad picture, but it was the
                                             only one that didn't show any faces.

My little sister was a cupcake fairy, my oldest nephew was the red power ranger, my brother-in-law was Spiderman, and my older sister is in the pumpkin pants and holding my younger nephew. Oh, and my mom is the one taking the picture. I was at home, giving out candy.
For supper, we had hotdog "mummies", chips and dip, and chocolate chip cookies for dessert! So, I think it's safe to say that we all had a great Halloween!

I hope you all had a great one too!

Lots of Love,
Meagan :)


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