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I'm Married!

 Yes, you read that right! I got married this past weekend on June 2nd. It was perfect. Everything went as planned. I even got all the words right! (My only mistake was almost putting the ring on the wrong hand, but I don't care about that...Just as long as I got all the words right!)  It was truly a magical day. Now, let me bring on the pictures!                                                                                   After the wedding I have to say, I love being married. I've always dreamed of being a wife and living the married life...Now, I finally am! I can't wait to see what the future will bring for me and my husband! 
Recent posts

5 Years Later

 It's been 5 years since my last post! A lot has changed in the past 5 years. My first niece was born in 2021 and my fourth nephew was born in 2022. I changed positions at my job one year ago and celebrated my 6th anniversary at my job back in June!  I, unfortunately, lost my dad in August of 2019. But I gained someone very important to me back in June of this year. That brings me to my next announcement...                                                                         Yep, that's right! I'm engaged! He was an amazing boyfriend and he's been an even better fiancé. He's everything I've prayed for and more. This is the healthiest and most stable relationship I've ever experienced so I'm truly blessed to be marrying such an amazing guy! I'll post more on this in my next post including our wedding date and our save-the-date photos. I'll, also, post my dream wedding registry!                                                                    

Great News!

Wow...I haven't posted in so long!  I'm so sorry, you guys, but I have some amazing news!                                                         I'm going to be an aunt again! YES! ANOTHER BABY! We're so excited especially since this is my oldest sister's first baby! We really wanted the baby to be a girl since my other sister already has 2 boys... but God had other plans! It's a BOY!  Looks like it's 3 nephews for me which I'm perfectly fine with!  I love my sweet little nephews and I can't wait to add another to the mix!  I'll see you in April sweet baby boy!  Lots of Love, Aunt May-May :)

I'm Back!

Hi everyone! I'm so sorry for the very long hiatus! I have a great reason for it though. I got a job! I started working back in June and so's been quite the experience. There are some days I wish I could quit and then other days, I'm happy to be working. I guess that's just the whole first job experience. Oh. and even more great news:         The email I got from my teacher!  My Diploma! 😍 Yep! I graduated! So, as you can tell a lot has happened over the past few months.  I really feel like an adult now! 😂  I'm still really sorry for the long pause from posting, but work really has been taking up most of my time...But I promise I will do better!  Anyway, thanks so much for sticking around even when I wasn't writing as much. I really appreciate it! You guys are awesome! ❤ Lots of Love, Meagan :)

Monthly Faves: April & May!

My favorite for April and May? Blogs!  This post is very important to me because without finding other blogs, I would've never made my own. I am so thankful to have found these blogs so they could inspire me to make my own! Links to my Top 10 favorite blogs down below!   1. Life With My Littles 2. The Journey of Parenthood 3. Through Clouded Glass 4.  Diary of a Fit Mom 5. Carolina Charm 6. NieNie Dialogues 7. Who put my iPad in the dishwasher? 8. Love Taza 9. Kelly's Korner 10. Wiley Adventures Thank you, guys, so much for giving me the inspiration to start my own blo

New Month, New Me!

I'm 7 days into my "no junk food diet" and the first couple of days went great! However, the last couple of days have been a little hard. I've been wanting to emotional eat and my cravings are constant. I have been exercising more though, which is great! But I have to get completely back on track if I want to lose some weight by June 1st! So, as you can tell, this is only the beginning of my weight loss journey. I'm hoping to come back with some great updates and share my story to inspire others! Wish me luck! :) To Be Continued...

I'm such a horrible blogger! :(

I'm so sorry, you guys. I know, I know. I say that every time, but it's really been a busy couple of weeks.  First, I was going to post on World Down Syndrome Day, but that didn't work out. Then, I was going to post on my birthday, but that (of course) was a very busy day. However, I do have pictures to share from these events! :)                                                                                      Rocking our funky socks on World Down Syndrome Day!                                                                                                                                                 I thought an emoji birthday party would be perfect                                               considering it's my last one as a teenager.                                                                                                                                                      #19