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One Step Closer To Graduation!

So...I passed all of my exams and I'm now out for winter break! I have one more semester and then I'll be a high school graduate! I can already tell that 2017 is going to be an awesome year for me (*knocks on wood*). Although, I'm a little nervous about going to college and not only will I be attending college, but I'll also be looking for my first job! It's definitely going to be a year of firsts for me! I've looked at some college websites and looked for job openings and I saw a few that spiked my interest, but none of them seemed right for me so I'm going to continue to look and pray that God leads me down the right path.

Anyway, enough with the college talk! It's Christmas Eve, y'all! Wow, this month has flown by! Come to think of it...this year has flown by! I can't believe it's already Christmas time! Now, let's get into the Christmas spirit, shall we? I've got my Christmas outfit on, my Santa hat on, and I've had my morning coffee so it seems like I'm ready for tonight. Oh, and I've got the house clean and ready for Santa! ;) Now, lets discuss our little Christmas Eve/Christmas traditions at my house.

On Christmas Eve, we usually have finger foods such as: Cream Cheese with pepper jelly on top (My personal fave!), crackers, little BBQ weenies, Cookies, Popcorn, and a lot of other goodies! Then, we open one present that usually contains a pair of pajama pants, a Christmas movie, a pack of hot chocolate, and a Christmas book for the smaller kids. After all of the eating and gift opening, we get the kids to bed and watch the 24 hour marathon of "A Christmas Story". On Christmas Day, we usually get up around 7 or 8 in the morning to open presents. Then, we take turns opening presents, the youngest goes first and the oldest goes last. We like to go slow when it comes to opening presents so we can make them last awhile. So, what are your Christmas Eve/Christmas traditions?


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