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One more year...Just one more year...

School...ugh...I hate that word so much! Luckily, I will be starting my last first day of school in August, but even that isn't very comforting to me. The reason I am so stressed out about school is because I am caught in a major dilemma. Should I stick with homeschooling or should I go back to brick-and-mortar school? Either, I get up super early and have a lot of social interaction or I continue to sleep until 9:00, but have no social interaction except with my family. Both have pros and cons, but which one would suit me more now that anxiety is (somewhat) under control. With brick-and-mortar, I will be able to get some friends and go to my senior prom. With home-school, I won't have to worry about a dress code and embarrassing myself in front of others. Hmm...Decisions...Decisions...

Whichever one I choose, I know that God will help me get through it and that's all that matters to me at the moment. Until I decide for sure, I will continue to pray and seek advice from others. Since, I mention that, if you have any advice for me, post in the comments and tell me which one you think I should choose!

Home-school or Brick-and-Mortar?

Why don't we just end this post with a funny story?

As I was finishing up the bottom paragraph, I thought I felt something crawling on my head. I began to run my hand over the top of my head, but I didn't feel anything, so I just figured it was my hair or imagination or something like that. I began to type again, just in time, to look down and see a black spider crawling on my shirt! Apparently, it dropped down from the ceiling and right onto my it wasn't my imagination...I sure wish it was though! Fortunately, it wasn't big enough to send me into cardiac arrest, but it was big enough to make me jump out of my chair and say a few choice words. I flung it across the room so I have no idea where it could possibly be...So the funny picture below will describe me tonight!

Lots of Love,
Meagan :)


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