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The quest for a healthier me!

Unfortunately, I love junk food, soft drinks, sweets, pretty much anything that will cause you to gain weight just by looking at it, but I've decided that enough is enough. I can not treat my body like this for the rest of my life. I am going to do one of the hardest things imaginable...go on a diet. That means no chips, cookies, cake, chocolate, coke...Starting to look like just about anything that starts with a "C", Ha! Though, I have to say that I am quite proud of myself today! I have not had any sort of coke product, just water! However, since I am so addicted to caffeine, I get a migraine every time I decide to cut out decaffeinated drinks which REALLY sucks, but that's the only bad thing about it. Food is my main issue, but I think if I stick with water, cut out junk food, and start eating more fruits and veggies then I can manage! I just need to stay positive and keep track of everything I eat, but that doesn't mean there won't be cheat days. ;)  I will keep you updated on my progress! If you are having a difficult time losing weight or just need some motivation, I will post some tips, exercises, and motivational pictures down below. I hope they help! 

Lots of Love,
Meagan :)


  1. And remember, just one step at a time! Diets are easiest when it's not a complete change. Make one change at a time and each week add another. Same with exercising. Start with 10 minutes a day, just to do something. When you start feeling good and more comfortable with it, add another 10 minutes. Keep up the good work!! :-)

  2. Thanks so much for the advice...I really need it! I know it's going to be difficult, but I know I can do it! :)


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